I’m Robyn: intimacy coach, consent educator, and pleasure revolutionary
I’m here to help you feel at home in your body, create boundaries in all aspects of your life, and deepen your joy
Are you wanting more from your relationships?
Do you struggle with shame around sexuality, intimacy, or pleasure?
Do you long to feel seen, safe, and confident when relating?
Relating can be challenging. I’m here to make it easier for you.
To connect with ourselves or with others, we have to feel safe. In order to create a sense of safety and connection, we start with consent, which is more than saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Consent is an agreement — it goes beyond touch, and it touches every aspect of our lives. I use the framework of the Wheel of Consent®, a life tool for relating with honesty, transparency, and integrity, as a foundation for all my work.
I help you get out of your head and listen to the wisdom of your body.
To love yourself to the core of your being
To use vulnerability and transparency as a path to deepen intimacy
To create healthy, meaningful relationships by expressing what you want and what you don’t want and setting clear boundaries
To turn your relationships into the ones you long for and desire
Pleasure is a Revolutionary Act.
Growing up, most of us were taught that anger, sadness, fear, and even joy were not welcome emotions. So we hid. We acted out. We shut down.
We learned to stop asking for what we want. We learned to put others’ needs before our own. We lost our connection to ourselves.
I’m guessing that living this way no longer serves you. You’re ready to ask for what you want. To create healthy boundaries. To have authentic, loving connections. To experience joy.
If you’re looking to heal the disconnect from being cut off from your feelings and desires, I invite you to turn towards pleasure.
Pleasure is often seen as a dirty word — as impractical, excessive, or selfish. But pleasure can be a revolutionary act that leads to freedom. And in these difficult times, we need it more than ever.
You might know by now that to feel pleasure, you have to be open to feeling everything else. This might seem overwhelming, or terrifying. I’m here to guide you through it.
When we are connected to our feelings, we develop empathy for others. We can no longer turn a blind eye to those who are suffering — whether that is a partner or loved one, those in our communities, or the Earth.
Pleasure heals us, unites us, and brings us joy.
Choosing pleasure is an act of courage. It invites you to know your body and your desires, and to speak up for what you want. It requires grace and grit. And it is possible.
Interested in learning more? Let’s begin.
“Robyn has a presence that is tangible within moments of being with her. She has an ability to create a safe, inclusive space within which you are encouraged to feel into and find your desires and your boundaries. She inspired me to realise that sometimes the deepest work we do seems so simple on the surface.”