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This is a practice called Waking up the Hands and was first developed by Dr. Betty Martin, developer of the Wheel of Consent. The practice helps to increase capacity to feel sensation in the body. The practice, which I also like to call a touch meditation, is down-regulating of the nervous system and invites present moment awareness. The more we are able to feel, the greater our capacity to connect with and empathize with others.
In this episode we really dive into expanding what consent is and how to bring balance to our relationships with clear agreements and being able to notice how much we can really allow ourselves to receive, and how generous we are willing to be when giving. Robyn recommends some amazing practices of how you can start noticing your limits and communicating them in your love life.
"Empowerment is about coming into choice". Robyn Dalzen, an ex-mormon turned pleasure revolutionary, talks about the Wheel of Consent created by Dr. Betty Martin. The wheel is made of 4 quadrants: taking, allowing, serving, accepting. We talk about how the wheel impacts our relationships and how it can better put us in touch with our desires.
What happens when you hear the word ‘pleasure’? Does your heart race? Do your palms get sweaty? Do you imagine something erotic, or maybe sexual, or selfish? When did pleasure become a dirty word? Robyn will engage us in a discussion about pleasure, what it means and how to reclaim it in our lives. She will invite you into an experience of pleasure – based on nothing more than your sensation and attention in the present moment. And with this access point, you can choose pleasure in any given moment.
On The Sexual Alchemy Podcast with Rebecca Lowrie, Robyn and Rebecca have a stunning conversation about boundaries and consent, and their infinite nuances. We delve into the concept of domain over our bodies and thoughts, and how it relates to boundaries and consent.
Sexual Alchemy is deeply healing, transformative and will help you become the masterful lover you already are at your core.
The Sexy Life Podcast with Sarah Rose Bright is for women who want to experience the best sex, happy and healthy intimate relationships, and live a life that lights up your heart and soul.
In this juicy exploration we covered many wonderful things including, why pleasure is important, how to bring more awareness to our bodies and the four steps to knowing what you want and need and how to ask for it. There are a heap of jewels in this conversation for you.
Sexual incompatibility is a problem many couples face. What should you do when you are in love, the other person makes you happy, you dream of a future together, but you are lacking in the sex department. We reached out to 40 sex therapists, marriage counselors and sex experts and asked them to reply to the following question:
How can a couple improve their relationship if their sexual preferences are not compatible?
In this Podcast with Sanctuary Shamanic Healing Center, join us for a conversation and practice to learn simple tools to engage more consciously with the world — from our relationships with one another to our relationship with the earth.
Created by Ella Mesma and Ama Rouge, PowerUp! is a podcast that seeks to empower and dismantle, giving us the power and confidence to question, deconstruct, rebuild and expand in life.
They have been thinking about how intertwined privilege and dominant culture are with choice so they invited international Intimacy Coach, Consent Facilitator and Pleasure Activist Robyn Dalzen back to talk about how pivotal choice is in our ability to create consent.
Created by Ella Mesma and Ama Rouge, PowerUp! is a podcast that seeks to empower and dismantle, giving us the power and confidence to question, deconstruct, rebuild and expand in life.
This week we are joined by our first VIP guest Robyn Dalzen, Intimacy Coach, Consent Facilitator and Pleasure Activist to explore the domain of consent.
Until we understand our own domain we cannot really make an informed choice. What are you comfortable with? What are your boundaries? Where are your limits?
Part Two
Created by Ella Mesma and Ama Rouge, PowerUp! is a podcast that seeks to empower and dismantle, giving us the power and confidence to question, deconstruct, rebuild and expand in life.
This week we are joined by our first VIP guest Robyn Dalzen, Intimacy Coach, Consent Facilitator and Pleasure Activist to explore the domain of consent.
Until we understand our own domain we cannot really make an informed choice. What are you comfortable with? What are your boundaries? Where are your limits?
Part One
The Sacred Erotic Podcast by Adam Bee explores Tantra, spirituality, and the sacred erotic.
When you think about ‘trauma,’ what do you imagine?
Many people think trauma is a single and specific traumatic event – for example, being in a car accident or being physically or sexually assaulted. This is one type of experience that can create trauma, and there are many others that can be much more subtle and can happen over time.
This year, physical distance and safety became part of a suddenly urgent conversation for everyone. But for educators focused on intimacy and consent, questions about bodies and boundaries are a constant focus. Here’s how a number of experts are teaching people how to treat themselves and others well — and where they can teach you.
Who Has Time to Think About Pleasure Now? You Do.
Our current reality is looking very different from the world we were living in a month ago, and I imagine your life has been turned on its head. Mine certainly has!
Internationally renowned sexuality and relationship professionals share insights about how the erotic might be a source of support during COVID-19 times and a changed world.
Robyn Dalzen is a transformational leadership and empowerment coach and facilitator. Committed to bringing more love and consciousness into the world. She is most interested in working with people around topics related to touch, intimacy, sacred sexuality, love and relating and supporting them to bring that learning out into the world in the way they live and lead.
Wonderful interview with Robyn Dalzen on Pleasure & Leadership. See what she has to say about Social Connection and how it affects our relationships in and out of the workplace.
What happens when you hear the word ‘pleasure’? Does your heart race? Do your palms get sweaty? Do you imagine something erotic, or maybe sexual, or selfish? When did pleasure become a dirty word? Robyn will engage us in a discussion about pleasure, what it means and how to reclaim it in our lives. She will invite you into an experience of pleasure – based on nothing more than your sensation and attention in the present moment. And with this access point, you can choose pleasure in any given moment.
Whether you are relating with someone for a night or you have been together for 20 years, the agreements you have with one another form the foundation for how you relate, how you get your needs met and the depth of connection that is possible between you.

“Robyn has the natural and cultivated skills to be a highly effective coach, as someone who gracefully embraces a philosophy of personal growth and transformation, and who understands both the challenges and opportunities in unpredictable change.”