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Who’s It For: Mastering the Art of Touch

The Art of Touch

Learning the art of touch is not about technique.

It’s about experiencing authentic moments of connection through touch, which might be nurturing, playful, sensual, sexual or something else.

In this class we will talk about how to fundamentally shift how you experience yourself and your partner — when it comes to touch, and everything else. All genders are welcome.

You will learn:

The number one way to improve the quality of your touch

 To connect to an infinite source of pleasure — right at your fingertips

 How touch is connected to generosity and integrity

 How to tap into a state of relaxed arousal, which is essential for cervical orgasm

 To stop adapting yourself to what you think you should want, and start asking for the touch you actually want

 To let go of techniques (and the expectations that go along with them) and start following the pleasure

November 10

Consent & Play: Nov 10th Playshop

February 9

Consent & Play: February 9th